full list of publications

  • full list of publications

    Full list of publications

    This page gives a simple list of publications. For more information about each work, including abstracts and clickable links, view publications by theme from the drop-down menu above.

    * = peer-reviewed


    1. *Chambers, Clare, Freedom & Equality: Essays on Liberalism and Feminism (Oxford University Press, 2024). 356 pages.
    2. Chambers, Clare, Intact: A Defence of the Unmodified Body (Allen Lane, 2022; Penguin paperback 2023; e-book and audiobook available). 413 pages.
    3. *Chambers, Clare, Brian D. Earp, and Lori Watson (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality (Routledge, 2022; paperback 2023; e-book available). 613 pages.
    4. * Chambers, Clare, Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defence of the Marriage-Free State (Oxford University Press, 2017; paperback 2019; e-book available). 226 pages.
      Winner of the 2018 David Easton Award of the American Political Science Association (APSA).
    5. Chambers, Clare and Phil Parvin, Teach Yourself Political Philosophy: A Complete Introduction (Hodder, 2012). 324 pages.
    6. *Chambers, Clare, Sex, Culture and Justice: The Limits of Choice (Penn State University Press, 2008; paperback 2009; e-book available). 294 pages.

    Policy reports

    1. Nuffield Council on Bioethics Working Party on Cosmetic Procedures (Chambers a member), Cosmetic Procedures: Ethical Issues (Nuffield Council on Bioethics, June 2017), approx. 200 pages.

    Articles and chapters

    1. *Chambers, Clare, “Making Inequality Visible Without Making it Worse” in Social Policy & Philosophy (Vol. 3 No. 2, 2022)
    2. *Chambers, Clare, “Conscience and Context” in Thom Brooks (ed.), Political Emotions: Towards a Decent Public Sphere (Palgrave, 2022)
    3. Chambers, Clare, Brian D. Earp and Lori Watson, “Introduction” to Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality (Routledge, 2022)
    4. Chambers, Clare, “Re-Reading Theory of Justice” in Polity (online first, August 2021)
    5. *Chambers, Clare, “Respect, Religion, and Feminism: Comments on Lori Watson and Christie Hartley, Equal Citizenship and Public Reason: A Feminist Political Liberalism in Journal of Applied Philosophy (September 2020)
    6. Chambers, Clare, “Sex, Money, and Luck in Sport” in Journal of Medical Ethics Vol. 46 No. 9 (2020)
    7. *Earp, Brian D., Clare Chambers, et al, “Medically unnecessary genital cutting and the child’s right to bodily integrity: an international expert consensus statement” in American Journal of Bioethics (2019).
    8. *Chambers, Clare, “Medicalised genital cutting and the limits of choice” in Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery: Interdisciplinary Analysis and Solution, edited by Sarah Creighton and Lih-Mei Lao (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
    9. *Chambers, Clare, “Reasonable Disagreement and the Neutralist Dilemma: Abortion and circumcision in Matthew Kramer’s Liberalism with Excellence” in The American Journal of Jurisprudence (May 2018)
    10. *Chambers, Clare, “Feminism and Liberalism” in Ann Garry, Serene J. Khader and Alison Stone (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy (Routledge, 2017) pp. 652-664, 13 pages.
    11. *Chambers, Clare, “Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble” in Jacob T. Levy (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary Political Theory (Oxford University Press, online first 2017) no page numbers, 20 pages.
    12. Chambers, Clare and Richard Marshall, “Sex, Culture, Justice” in Richard Marshall (ed.), Ethics at 3:AM: Questions and Answers on How to Live Well (Oxford University Press, 2017) pp. 296-303, 8 pages.
    13. *Chambers, Clare, “Judging Women: Twenty-five Years Further Toward a Feminist Theory of the State” in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 3 No. 2 (2017). Symposium on Catharine MacKinnon’s book Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, with response by MacKinnon pp. 1-21, 21 pages.
    14. Chambers, Clare, “Ideology and Normativity” in Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 91 No. 1 (2017) pp. 175-195, 21 pages.
    15. *Chambers, Clare, “The Limitations Of Contract: Regulating Personal Relationships In A Marriage-Free State” in Elizabeth Brake (ed.) After Marriage: Rethinking Marital Relationships (Oxford University Press, 2016) pp. 51-83, 33 pages.
    16. Chambers, Clare, “The Marriage-Free State” in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society CXIII No. 2 (2013) pp. 123-143, 21 pages.
    17. *Chambers, Clare, “ “The Family as a Basic Institution:” A Feminist Analysis of the Basic Structure as Subject” in Ruth Abbey (ed.), Feminist Interpretations of Rawls (Penn State University Press, 2013) pp. 75-95, 21 pages.
    18. *Chambers, Clare, “Feminism” in The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies, edited by Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent, and Marc Stears (Oxford University Press, 2013) pp. 562-582, 21 pages.
    19. *Chambers, Clare and Phil Parvin, “What Kind Of Dialogue Do We Need? Gender, Deliberative Democracy And Comprehensive Values” in Jude Browne (ed.) Dialogue, Politics and Gender (Cambridge University Press, 2013) pp. 198-226, 29 pages.
    20. *Chambers, Clare, “Each outcome is another opportunity” in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) Vol. 8 No. 4 (2009) pp. 1-27, 27 pages.
    21. *Chambers, Clare and Phil Parvin, “Coercive redistribution and public agreement: re-evaluating the libertarian challenge of charity” in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP) Vol. 12 No. 4 (2009) and Matt Matravers and Lukas Meyer (eds.), Democracy, Equality, and Justice (Routledge, 2009) pp. 93-114, 22 pages.
    22. *Chambers, Clare, “Inclusivity and the constitution of the family” in Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence (2009, 1) pp. 135-52, 17 pages.
    23. *Chambers, Clare, “Gender” in Catriona McKinnon (ed.) Issues in Political Theory (Oxford University Press, 2008; 2nd 2011; 3rd ed. 2015; 4th ed. in production), pp. 265-288, 24 pages.
    24. *Chambers, Clare, “Torture as an evil: Response to Claudia Card” in Criminal Law and Philosophy Vol. 2 No. 1 (January 2008) pp. 17-20, 4 pages.
    25. *Chambers, Clare, “Masculine domination, radical feminism and change” in Feminist Theory 6 No. 3 (December 2005) pp. 325-346, 22 pages.
    26. *Chambers, Clare, “Autonomy and equality in cultural perspective: Response to Sawitri Saharso” in Feminist Theory 5 No. 3 (December 2004) pp. 329-32, 3 pages.
    27. *Chambers, Clare, “Are breast implants better than female genital mutilation? Autonomy, gender equality and Nussbaum’s political liberalism” in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP) Vol. 7 No. 3 (Autumn 2004) pp. 1-33, 33 pages.
    28. *Chambers, Clare, “Nation-building, Neutrality and Ethnocultural Justice: Kymlicka’s ‘Liberal Pluralism’” in Ethnicities 3 No. 3 (September 2003) pp. 295-319, 25 pages.
    29. *Chambers, Clare, “All must have prizes: the liberal case for intervention in cultural practices” in Paul Kelly (ed.) Multiculturalism Reconsidered: Culture and Equality and its Critics (Polity Press, 2002) pp. 151-73, 23 pages.

    Shorter pieces for wider audiences

    1. Chambers, Clare, “Clare Chambers, author of Intact” in Josephine Greywoode (ed.), Why We Read: 70 Writers on Non-Fiction (Penguin Books, 2022).
    2. Chambers, Clare, and Jack Maden “A Defence of the Unmodified Body: Clare Chambers interview” on Philosophy Break (April 2022) at https://philosophybreak.com/articles/a-defense-of-the-unmodified-body-clare-chambers-interview/
    3. Chambers, Clare and John C. Brady, “Intact Bodies: The Ambivalence of The Natural and The Normal – John C. Brady in Conversation with Clare Chambers” in Epoché magazine (February 2022) at https://epochemagazine.org/49/intact-bodies-the-ambivalence-of-the-natural-and-the-normal/
    4. Chambers, Clare, “The Political Power of Your Body” on iai News (11 February 2022) at https://iai.tv/articles/the-political-power-of-your-body-auid-2049
    5. Chambers, Clare, “Intact: A Defence of the Unmodified Body” for Faculty of Philosophy Newsletter (2022)
    6. Chambers, Clare, “Rethinking the Body” in Amol Rajan (ed.), Rethink: How We Can Make a Better World (BBC, 2021)
    7. Chambers, Clare, “Stay at home. Save lives. Protect the NHS” in Nuffield Council on Bioethics blog (7th April 2020) at https://www.nuffieldbioethics.org/blog/stay-at-home-save-lives-protect-the-nhs
    8. Chambers, Clare, “Marriage is an unequal institution that belongs in the past” in The New Statesman (2nd August 2019).
    9. Chambers, Clare, and Nicole Souter, “Feminism, Marriage, and Choice: An Interview with Clare Chambers” in The Philosopher 107 No. 2 (2019).
    10. Chambers, Clare, “Blending in and standing out: Comfort and visibility in beauty practices” in Beauty Demands blog (2018)
    11. Chambers, Clare, “Against Marriage” in Aeon (2018).
    12. Chambers, Clare, “Time to abandon marriage?” in Times Literary Supplement (2017). Part of the TLS Ethical Angles Series.
    13. Chambers, Clare, “Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defence of the Marriage-Free State” in University of Cambridge Faculty of Philosophy Annual Newsletter (2017).
    14. Chambers, Clare, contribution to “Philosophers on the Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling” in Daily Nous (2015).
    15. Chambers, Clare “Liberal views” in The Philosophers’ Magazine Issue 61, 1st Quarter (2014). http://www.pdcnet.org/tpm/content/tpm_2014_0064_0080_0085
    16. Chambers, Clare, “Cosmetic Surgery, Culture, and Choice” in UK Feminista Thinkpiece series (2012).

    Review essays and book reviews

    1. Chambers, Clare, Review of Angela Willey, Undoing Monogamy (Duke University Press, 2016) in International Feminist Journal of Politics 19 No. 2 (2017) pp. 407-409. 3 pages.
    2. Chambers, Clare, Review of Shlomi Segall, “Equality and Opportunity” (Oxford University Press, 2013) in Ethics 126 No. 3 (April 2016) pp. 851-856. 6 pages.
    3. Chambers, Clare, Review of Anne Phillips, Our Bodies, Whose Property? (Princeton University Press, 2012) in Political Theory 43 No. 1 (February 2015) pp. 111-118, 8 pages.
    4. Chambers, Clare, Review of G. A. Cohen, Lectures in the History of Moral and Political Philosophy in Philosophical Quarterly 65 (258) (January 2015) pp. 106-108, 3 pages.
    5. Chambers, Clare, Review of Nancy Hirschmann, Gender, Class, and Freedom in Modern Political Theory (Princeton University Press, 2008) in Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 No. 1 (2010) pp. 145-147, 3 pages.
    6. *Chambers, Clare, “Assessing Equality”: review of Chris Armstrong, Rethinking Equality: The Challenge of Equal Citizenship (Manchester University Press, 2006) and Stuart White, Equality (Polity Press, 2007) in Res Publica (2008) pp. 141-4, 4 pages.
    7. Chambers, Clare, Review of Anne Phillips, Multiculturalism without Culture (Princeton University Press, 2007) in British Journal of Sociology (2008) pp. 380-382, 3 pages.
    8. Chambers, Clare, Review of Catharine MacKinnon, Are Women Human? And other international dialogues (Harvard University Press, 2006) in Ethics and International Affairs 21 No. 2 (Summer 2007) pp. 261-263, 3 pages.
    9. Chambers, Clare, Review of Seyla Benhabib, The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era (Princeton University Press, 2002) in Political Studies Review 2 No. 1 (January 2004) p. 51, 1 page.
    10. Chambers, Clare, Review of Nancy J. Hirschmann, The Subject of Liberty: Toward a Feminist Theory of Freedom (Princeton University Press, 2003) in Political Studies Review 1 No. 3 (September 2003) p. 373, 1 page.
    11. Chambers, Clare, Review of Will Kymlicka and Magda Opalski, Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? Western political theory and ethnic relations in Eastern Europe (Oxford University Press, 2001) in Political Studies 50 No. 5 (December 2002) p. 988, 1 page.